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Photo by Noah Kalina.

5 Must-See Art Exhibits in the USA

The United States houses some of the most magnificent art galleries that will leave you in awe.
Photo by Noah Kalina.

Art enthusiasts, get ready to indulge in the best exhibits the world has to offer! The United States houses some of the most magnificent art galleries that will leave you in awe. If you’re planning a tour, make sure to check out these five must-see exhibits:

1. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City
2. The Getty Center in Los Angeles, California
3. The Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois
4. The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts
5. The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

You’ll be able to witness an extensive array of art, ranging from classical to contemporary, that is sure to create a lasting impression on you. Begin planning your trip today, and get the opportunity to experience the arts available in the United States firsthand…

Photo by Noah Kalina.

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